Wednesday, June 19, 2013

He is enough.

 Good morning fellow dear friends. This morning I am contemplative. Which, well, I always am. Yet this time it's different. Hard to explain really but I guess the best way to put it is that exactly....I am contemplative. Do you ever have those nights or early mornings where you just say to The Lord "Lord, what's in for today? What do you want to teach me?" That's what is on my heart this morning as I write this with a full cup of jo next to me and Beethoven playing in the background. I decided to spend some time catching up on my blogs; I mean if I am going to be contemplative I also mine as well be productive, right? There is a LOVELY blog that I follow called French Press Mornings. This is an incredible spot for finding encouragement and just a very fun blog. I encourage you to go check it out.

 In that, she does Wednesday Encouragements which make me really happy. Not just happy, but really happy. The one for today spoke to me. Really it was simple but yet so important.

The encouragement said this:

  Seriously. Straight to the heart, thanks for that one Lord. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

 Why did I literally type that five times? I typed it five times because we so easily forget. We forget that he grace is ENOUGH. Sufficient also means plenty, abundance and as much as needed. Speaking to my own life I know for a fact I do not live every day knowing and fully believing that his grace is enough. There are days where I doubt, days where the flesh can try to sneak in if only for a moment where I doubt that very promise shown to me. It is days like today, I am reminded and grateful for this huge, crazy but beautiful promise from The Lord.

 We were chosen by such an understanding, caring, concerned God. He tells us straight up no questions asked that his power is made perfect in our weaknesses. What? Wait, that's backwards, right? Since when is someone's power made perfect in our weakness? Obviously, God, The Holy Spirit is different. That statement blows my mind. Does it yours? Does it stir your heart? It should.

 In all of my judgmental, prideful, disgusting, ugly sin filled weaknesses his power is made absolutely and incredibly perfect. Perfect. Literally as white as fresh fallen snow. Does that not blow your mind?! His love is all consuming and powerful that is can overcome the darkest, deepest part of your life.

 This is so important to remember in a world that says different. A world that tells us there isn't a God, or if there is that he was just a "good guy". He was, is and will be forevermore SO MUCH MORE than just a "good guy". "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." <--------That is the God who in HIS sovereignty chose to come down and love us. This is the God that gives us breath every day to make it to our next "thing" on our list.

He. Is. Enough.

Praying you find this encouraging this morning and that your heart is filled with the Holy Spirit.

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