Friday, July 29, 2011

Work Place.

I thought i would write a little about my workplace.
I am absolutely, positvely beyond blessed in my crazy workplace.

I work at a boxing company and i am their receptionist (as i mentioned before). Its a really great job it really is im totally not just saying that. although the onmly thing is i leave here in September and i am really not too excited about that.

Lets start from the begining,
It all starts when i went for my interview sick, snot running out my nose like a faucet , me wearing my tennis shoes in which have a lage hole where my big toe pokes out, my holy jeans, my senior sweatshirt, and my hair an absolute nut case. So to say the least my getting this job based off my attire, not very likely. Although, through thr love and grace of God it happened. She called me not even 2 hours later after interviewing 4 others and asked me if i wanted the position. Saying i was the best from the day and they loved me!!

Obviosuly i took the position making a whopping $12 bucks an hour. So far it has been nothing but amazing, as i said in my last post (DEVO TIME) God has really been working on my heart. So in tht case i would share some of the things i really loved about it here, then all probably write a big sappy post at the end of the month talking about how much ill miss everyone.

So here it goes:- I love: My little cubical.

- I love: My personal email.
- I love: The view from my little cubical.

- I love: The guy upsatirs named Steve who brings me coffee.
- I love: The Taylor Swift Radio i get to play 24/7 here.
- I love: My daily hours.
- I love: That they have Starbucks Coffee and Hot Cocolate on stock ALL THE TIME.
- I love: That all my fav photo wbsites are saved on here and i look at them every friday.
- I love: When i have a crazy morning, makes it go alot faster.
- I love: Sorting all the mail.
- I love: Looking at wedding Dresses with a wonderful, beautiful coworker who is getting married.
- I love: Our normal UPS guy, Larry.
- I love: All our pretty postits here.
- I love: Gettign lots of free stuff on a monthly basis.
- I love: Seei Ernie. (Sweet old man that visits)
- I love: Sitting in my car and reading.
- I love: Getting calls from my mom at work.
- I love: How they dont care about what i do, as long as i am here.
- I love: The bathroom decor.
- I love: The pretty flowers that are planted out and about!

Thats only the begining. My workplace is a wonderful place to be even though its very busy its also a VERY blessed place...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Gifts Of The Heart.


Today, during my DEVO TIME God really put my heart at peace with something i had been wrestling with since mid June...
If youve been in the loop, you might know i had recieved a Summer Job as a receptionsit. Which, well is pretty much my favorite thing of all time, Administration. In fact, funny story it's my first spiritual gift. So long story short, i started as a receptionist and for some odd reason started hating it. Hated it alot. Everyday i would get up wishing i didn't have to go. Wishing i could call in sick. Then, when i had reached there, my attitude only seemed to get worse.

Everyday it seemed like a constant battle between, God and Me.Of course i was always the one starting it, and God always seemed to win. Yet, i never gave up i satyed sour about it as long as possible, i allowed Satan to get a foot hold on my heart and i allowed him to run crazy with it. So finally one day on my break, i took a walk in the rain attempting to keep myself dry with my little umbrella and had a very serious conversation with God. Like always, it was a good one and at that moment he proved to me why he had me there, and how i was to find joy in every aspect.

Right then and there, in the down pour of Seattle. It Hit Me.

God had wanted me to be at the place i was, so i could learn and grow upon my spiritual gifts. Especially the first gift of administration. God gives us these gifts for a reason. He allows us to do things we love to see joy in our lifes, and i was blinded. Blinded from that and blinded from the joy of christ.

Now i go into to work every day, usually smile, say hello to everyone and i try my hardest to have true joy. Joy from the lord. Everytime i sit in that desk, i answer that phone, i count those papers i am growing my strengh in administration. With growing i am blessing others, there fore the joy should be ENORMOUS!!

Remember: Everyday you spend, doing the gifts of YOUR heart that GOD has blessed you with...means you are growing more and more.

My Goal, With My Busy life: Trying to find ways to use the gits of my heart in small, out my comfurt zone ways!!



1 Corinthians 12:4-12